Funny Commmercail of Show Repairman and Sticky Feet

A man walks into a bar and sees Hitler and Stalin.

A man walks into a bar and sees Hitler and Stalin at a table. He asks them what they were doing and was told that they were planning WW3.
Hitler says, "We are going to kill 15 million jews, and a bicycle repairman."
The man, confused asks, "Why the bicycle repairman?"
Hitler turns to Stalin and tells him, "See? I told you no one would care about the 15 million Jews!"

A guy walks in a bar asks the bartender

"Isn't that Bush sitting over there?" Guy walks over and says:"Wow,this is a real honor.What are you doing here?"
Bush:"We're planning WWIII.
Guy:"Really? What's going to happen?"
Bush:"Well, we're going to kill 140 million Iraqis and one bicycle repairman."
Guy exclaimed:"Bicycle repairman! Why kill a bicycle repairman?"
Bush turns to Powell,punches him on the shoulder and says:"See, dummy! I told you no one would worry about the 140 million Iraqis!"

One day Stalin and Hitler were debating about starting another war.

A guy hears them and asks what they are talking about.

Stalin says, "We're going to start another war this time a billion and a half people and a bicycle repairman will die."

Confused the guy asks, "Why a bicycle repairman?"

Stalin turns to Hitler and says, "See, I told you no one would care about a billion and a half people."

Repairman joke, One day Stalin and Hitler were debating about starting another war.

Trump and McConnell are in a restaurant

They are discussing their plans to invade Iran. A man walks by their table, intrigued by their conversation and asks them what they are talking about.

Trump explains to the man, We're going to invade Iran and kill 10 million Iranians and one bicycle repairman.

The man exclaims, Why would you kill a bicycle repairman!

Trump turns back to McConnell and tells him, See, I told you no one would care about the 10 million Iranians!

Italian Computer Repair shop

Everytime I try to use Microsoft's search engine on my Italian laptop, the computer explodes. I took it to my Italian Computer repair store. The Italian repairman said "What seems to be the problem? Please keep it brief" so I said "Bad-a-Bing, Bad-a-boom!"

Why did the conspiracy theorist tell the radio repairman to take his time?

Because there was no rush

A lady took her clock to a clock repairman.

"What seems to be the problem?" he asked.

"This clock just goes tick, tick, tick." she replied.

"Ahh, don't worry lady, we have ways to make them tock".

Repairman joke, A lady took her clock to a clock repairman.

I called my repairman to complain about a faulty icemaker that had been leaking ...

When he came back out to the house, he discovered it was just some ice that had fallen and melted on the floor. I offered my apologies for the mistake. The repairman told me not to worry, as far as he was concerned, it was water under the fridge.

Knock knock. Who's there? The doorbell repairman.

That's the end of the joke.

Why did Henry VIII call an AC repairman?

He wanted air to the throne.

did you hear about the Chinese lift repairman?

, it was Wong on so many levels.

You can explore repairman mechanic reddit one liners, including funnies and gags. Read them and you will understand what jokes are funny? Those of you who have teens can tell them clean repairman plumber dad jokes. There are also repairman puns for kids, 5 year olds, boys and girls.

Knock knock

Who's there?

Doorbell repairman.

What did the bicycle repairman done?

George Bush and Al Gore walks into a bar, and the bartender asks "what's up?"
Bush says "Well, tomorrow, I'm going to have the troops storm into iraq and kill 2000 Iraqis and one bicycle repairman.
The bartender replies "Oh my god, what did the bicycle repairman done to deserve this?"
Bush then turns to Gore and patted him on the back and says "See, i told you no one would care about those 2000 iraqis."

Italian Computer repair store

Everytime I try to use Microsoft's search engine on my Italian laptop it explodes. I took it to my Italian Computer repair store. The Italian repairman said "What seems to be the problem? Please keep it short" so I said "Bad-a-Bing Bad-a-boom!"

How many white people does it take to change a light bulb?

One, they just need to call a repairman.

This is the story of a man named Jack.

Jack was, well lets just say he was a repairman. One day while repairing the shingles on a rooftop, Jack got stuck. Will you help Jack off?

Repairman joke, This is the story of a man named Jack.

What's the difference between a bird enthusiast and a crappy clock repairman?

One murders watches, and the other watches murders.

Does anyone know a southern repairman?

Because my dixie wrecked.

The Comcast repairman asked if he could use my bathroom.

I guess he had to cut some cable.

Just think that there are jokes based on truth that can bring down governments, or jokes which make girl laugh. Many of the repairman electrician jokes and puns are jokes supposed to be funny, but some can be offensive. When jokes go too far, are mean or racist, we try to silence them and it will be great if you give us feedback every time when a joke become bullying and inappropriate.

We suggest to use only working repairman fix piadas for adults and blagues for friends. Some of the dirty witze and dark jokes are funny, but use them with caution in real life. Try to remember funny jokes you've never heard to tell your friends and will make you laugh.


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